Pastor Emanuel has a young son with Down Syndrome. He volunteered as a community health worker along with another caregiver. They were instrumental in bringing other caregivers and their children with disabilities together. They started by visiting each other and finding out what challenges that they all faced as caregivers. The group was successful in getting a loan from their bank. The money was divided amongst the members to assist with school fees and food. The group have plans to rear livestock including a dairy cow and chicken for a local market.
Uwezo is 12 ½ years old and has Down Syndrome. He is small for his age and attends Jimba special school. His development was very slow compared to his brothers and sisters. He is a happy little boy who makes friends wherever he goes. His mother felt guilty at first, but she says the group has helped her to feel better. She is not on her own anymore.
Milka is 11 years old. When she was born the husband rejected the mother because of the child’s disability. When the mother saw her friends’ children developing well, she felt sad and lonely. Milka is slow to learn and attends a special school. A local NGO pays half of her school fees but the mother has to find the rest. It was a relief to the mother when she joined the self-help group to find other parents and children with similar challenges.
Your contribution will help empower these incredible individuals to take control of their lives through self-help groups. Together, we can make a meaningful impact!
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Walezi-caregivers Kenya. Registered Charity Number 1204235