Imani Walezi Self-Help Group at Mijomboni

This group was set up by a Women’s Group. The caregivers came together to sort out the problems that they encountered in their lives as caregivers of children with disabilities. They rented ½ an acre to grow cassava and to rear poultry for selling in the community. They all received income from this. Some used the money to pay school fees and buy medicine. One woman invested her money in a small shop and now has a regular income. The group have plans to set up a vegetable stall at the local market.

Emmanuel is 9 years old. His mother holds him on her lap. Emmanuel is dependent on his mother for his daily living needs. Emmanuel is fortunate in that he attends occupational therapy at the hospital with the help of transport money donated by the other group members. However, his mother experiences daily challenges in getting incontinence pads for him and making sure he has adequate nutrition. There is a lack of money in the house and every day is a struggle for the mother.

Ashly is 3 years old. Ashly’s development is slow and her mother is the main caregiver. Making sure Ashly has adequate nutrition is a major challenge and the mother struggles to get her to eat or drink. The mother needs a regular supply of nappies to manage Ashly’s incontinence. The group visits the mother to provide coconut oil, washing soap, and sometimes maize flour to help her out.

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