Upendo Daima Self-Help Group at Chasimba

This group was established by two community health workers operating in the local area. One of them still acts as coordinator for the group. The group have worked hard to establish a small market by buying from wholesaler and selling food stuffs to the local community at profit. Unfortunately closure of markets during the Covid-19 pandemic and theft of goods stored in their shop, set the group back. Now they have restarted and already purchase two market stall plots. They have begun digging the foundations and look for support to complete the building work. They plan to let out the market stalls to provide an income for the group.

Elvis is 10 years old. He has severe cerebral palsy and cannot sit up on his own. His main caregiver is his grandmother who provides for all his care needs. The father and mother divorced but the father continues to provide some support when he can. The biggest challenge is carrying the child and ensuring he has adequate nutrition. One day the grandmother fell and dropped Elvis and he broke his leg. A very distressing time for all.

Emmanuel is 8 years old. He has been registered blind since infancy. The father abandoned the mother and blamed her for the child’s disability. The mother was very young and returned to school. Now Elvis is looked after by his grandmother who pays his school fees for boarding school for the blind. The mother has moved on and has little contact.

Abede is a boy of 11 years old. He spent the first two years of his life in hospital. There were many operations and treatments on his spine and legs. Now he is unable to walk and has problems communicating and making himself understood. He has attended mainstream school but this has been unsuccessful. His mother wants him to go to a special school to have his needs met. However, payment of school fees is a challenge.

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